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This Naked Mind Podcast

Mar 31, 2018

How do I know if I am an alcoholic? So many of us have asked ourselves this question at some point. Annie tackles this question with information on the term “alcoholism” vs the newer term of “alcohol use disorder” and provides us with a better question we should be asking ourselves in order to gain freedom in...

Mar 30, 2018

Andy Ramage is the co-founder of One Year No Beer and the author of The 28 Day Alcohol-Free Challenge.  Annie and Andy discuss how One Year No Beer started by Andy describing his own personal journey with alcohol.  Andy found freedom his relationship with alcohol that ignited an unmistakable passion to help others...

Mar 24, 2018

Annie discusses how to expose the unconscious belief that drinking is just a habit by explaining Liminal Thinking and how our experiences, observations, assumptions and conclusions have determined our current reality. 

Mar 23, 2018

Amy is a former professional comedienne who struggled with addictions to anything and everything.  After getting sober in 2012, she wrote a beautifully honest addiction memoir, My Fair Junkie.  Amy talks to Annie about her addictions and the life of freedom she is now living in such a refreshingly real and raw way.  


Mar 17, 2018

When we are finally settling in to sobriety, it might be easy to forget how bad things actually were when we had no control in our relationship with alcohol.  How do we stay mindful and aware.  Annie provides some great advice and tips on staying the course.