Feb 13, 2021
A reader asks, “After about five days of being alcohol-free, my spirits are lifted and I feel more alive and more happy … I want to have a fun night celebrating with my new state of mind, which is that I don't feel controlled by alcohol. Afterwards, I return to daily drinking, usually for two weeks or so, until I'm back to feeling lifeless, purposeless, sad, and tired. It's a common pattern. Is this common for anyone else?” Listen as Annie Grace explains how repetitive thought patterns impact the physical structure of the brain, shares the two main reasons people give for drinking, and offers three different tactics for breaking this behavior cycle.
Have you tried The Alcohol Experiment? Okay, if not, drop everything and go to thisnakedmind.com/experiment. This free 30-day challenge is designed to interrupt your patterns and put you back in touch with the best version of you. You remember, it was that version of you that’s living your most joyful life, the version that doesn’t need alcohol to relax or to have a good time, and is having more fun than ever. Again, this is a totally free challenge that will change everything for you. So learn more and join me 100% free at thisnakedmind.com/experiment.
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