Jun 16, 2023
Michael’s relationship with alcohol started late and spiraled out of control as he grappled with finding alignment between the faith he’d been raised in and the internal beliefs and desires that defied that very doctrine. Listen as he shares with Annie Grace his personal journey, starting with his struggle with faith and sexuality and how it changed the role alcohol played in his life. He discusses how his anxiety and desire for peace led him to excessive alcohol consumption and hiding bottles. However, a turning point came when he discovered Annie Grace's book, "This Naked Mind," which reshaped his perspective and ultimately led him to find freedom through the Live Alcohol Experiment.
Thank you so much for listening to this episode. If you’re ready to see how This Naked Mind can help you on your personal health and wellness journey and wanna learn more. Go to ThisNakedMindpodcast.com to learn more. Again, that’s ThisNakedMindpodcast.com. We have all of our free resources, programs, social links, and more available for you there. Plus, if you have your own Naked Life Story, you can submit it there as well. Until next week, stay curious.